Goat News

At Pate Farms

June 2008





What do you do when things are going on with the herd and you don't know quite what to do?   We are constantly typing in a search for information on the world wide web for our animals and calling the vet as we need to, as well develop a network of other animal enthusiasts who might share their experiences with us. We've had a very trying year with the goats in 2008. In January we had a mom deliver twins.  She lost one of them at birth, but the little buck was strong and a survivor!  We named him "Billy the Kid"...it was just a play with words...he was a little billy...and he was a goat kid... it just seemed to fit.  Well the mom's health seemed to deteriorate no matter...we gave her extra hay and grain...we wormed her... even a B-complex shot to boost her energy...but she got thinner and thinner and finally was refusing to eat...I noticed "Little Billy" didn't seem to get anything as he tried to nurse...so we began to bottle feed him and let him stay with his mom until the end... We looked and looked for information to try to help the poor mother out...but lost the battle.  We had bought the mom at a sale in the fall...perhaps someone else had culled her from their herd for previous problems...we are just a small farm with a small herd so we took a chance with her...at least we saved "Little Billy" on this one...and he has since moved to a wonderful family with two little girls to continue to spoil the bottle baby who soon found out how to get out of the pen and nibble my roses while he waited for his bottle....

       As a small farm, we have to learn how to help our animals when we can... being observant is so important...we lost a little doe, "Mable" right after Mother's Day...we were doing our routine chores when I noticed Mable looked lathargic...sometimes they just lay funny when they are sleeping in the sunshine...but upon a closer look she was very weak...We built a new feeding hut this year...and the little ones have decided to crawl up under it making it harder for us to keep an eye on them... Mable was very light in weight...we tried to get her to nurse from her mom...but the mom was rejecting her...we started her on a bottle, and blindfolded the mom to let her nurse...Why would a mom reject one kid and nurse her twin Buck?...We often do not understand nature, but perhaps the mom knew something was a miss...Try as we may... we could not save little Mable...

     Next, I realize I am missing another little goat...I think..."He must be hiding under the hut...I know I saw him yesterday..." it was a rather hurried day...so I didn't go crawl under the hut to look...mistake....the next day I still do not see him...but I still didn't look under the hut...the next day...I did go look...but he wasn't there...so I begin a search...I walk the woods of their pasture...look in all their favorite places...and can't find him?...as a last minute thought I look under the tub near the water tubs...there is a little nook there...and he is stuck...we lost him...He is a strong...heavy little goat...my heart just sank...Why didn't I look for him the day before?...A lesson on being more observant! ....and following through when I think one is missing!

     The trials continue...our herd sire...Buster Billy...seems a little off...he's still eating...still drinking...still doing the stuff goats do...but he's not out in the pasture....or running up when the feed bucket is in sight like he usually does... We check him for parasites... we observe his behavior... He ended up having a kidney stone that couldn't pass...and we lost him... Perhaps I was over feeding the goats...trying to make sure I didn't loose another momma after kidding...and he was eating too much???...We gave him lots of water and plenty of hay...and tried to ease his pain... By the time I figured out the problem...he seemed a little better...we didn't call the vet...and then on a Saturday morning he had passed away during the night...

      So we learn from our losses and celebrate all the new births of the year...one day at a time...We've had 10 kids so far this year...Most have been healthy and strong...

 Favorite goat sites:









Our most matronly Nanny... A large black nubian mix named..."Midnight"...is about to pop...We are expecting kids any day now...Will it be large twins...(traditionally she's had very large babies)...or triplets this time?06/19...still no babies...


Midnight still hasn't had those babies yet.  She is so fattttt!!!!!!  Her udders are so large they are almost dragging the ground.  Surely she is going to drop those young'uns soon.  The rest of the herd is doing great.   Peaches was running up and eating with the big goats.   Ginger said she looked liked a vacuum sucking up all the sweet feed off the feed dish.   Rosebud has been lazing around under the goat hut each evening with all the young goats.  Probably easier for her to stay away from the rest of the herd so they won't be able to chase her around (not very fair since she only has three legs.



  Midnight...waiting on those babies...

 Midnight and Rainy (her kid from last year)...both expecting soon...?????


The babies have finally arrived. on 6/23...posted on the front page but have been too busy to write about the event..Two strong little bucks...Claybo and Buster... They were the first pair I was able to watch the whole birth process...let's just say...I'm glad I'm not a goat!  Midnight is a good mom and is taking great care of the two new addtitions to our farm. She started into labor around 8:30...pawing and pacing...they kids didn't arrive until 10:30 or so...Claybo was first...and then Buster was a much easier delivery for Ma Midnight.... They are staying in the baby pen right now with mom...and we are able to pet them.  Hopefully they will continue to be gentle as they grow...NO hiding under the hut this time! Ma Midnight certainly has enough milk for the two... her udders are so full she can hardly walk...but the kids seem to be nursing fine...

We are still waiting for Honey, Sugar, and Rainny to deliver... We expect a few more kids in the coming weeks.




                                                         Lauren comes for a visit and checks

                                                           out the new babies...
