Summer 2009

So what are you doing this summer?



lindi's blog spot           

HELLO ... I'm LiNdI =) && of course all of these pics are of mee =D so there will probably be ALOT of pics on here so keep up ^-^  I lovee to put smiley faces on alot of things so ignore them there are for my excitement about smiley faces XD so I'll tell you about things I also like. I like moo [ Hammie ]  he's gettin bigger !! (Actually...he's now in the freezer...I lovee my kittie his name is Bandit =0) (AKA-Snake) && his brother kitty Boots there are even some baby chickees [ I'm gonna make them tame ] I'm makin me a dress in that picture right ---> there It's gonna be so preetyful I wanted to ride the horses today but I'm in here doin this o yeah I named a goaty && her name is peaches but shes not tame so that is sad anywho I'm runnin out of room by =)                                                                                                                     


Lindi Pictures....




These are a variety of pictures of Lindi...from the past couple of years....








   I made this logo for our website...













Lindi and Daddy





Lindi meets the new rabbit..."Lindi"